What is The Definition of Being a Sustainable Person?

It is no secret that consumerism has had widespread implications on the planet, through the economy, society, psychology, and even the world’s population. While sustainability is often defined from an ecological standpoint, it goes much beyond that. Sustainability is a lifestyle, and a responsibility not just to your physical health, but to your mental and moral health as well. Sustainability is also an obligation, as humans have become stewards of the planet, and we are responsible for the sustainable living of future generations, whether that means our children, the wildlife, the environment, or even the planet itself.

In this article, we take on the daunting task of defining sustainability, and how it affects us as people. We will go over some methods of recycling, some organic garments of clothing, sustainable eating, and an overall sustainable lifestyle as responsible members of society.

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Sustainability - What Exactly Is It?

First, let’s try and define sustainability in a more general sense. To be sustainable means that the methods of your conduct and survival should be able to be repeatable without endangering the process in which you live. This means that it both has to be sustainable for your physical, mental, and even your moral/spiritual needs – but it also must be done in a way that does not comprise future generations’ ability to survive and thrive themselves. Simply put, sustainable living must either contribute or at the very least be at par with, the number of resources you consume versus the resources you leave/produce.

Sustainability can be broken down into three pillars, which are not exclusive to each other and are usually interconnected:

Environment: The global responsibility to the environment is to reduce harmful effects and even positively increase the health of the ecological environment. Your responsibility is the same. Examples include recycling, planting trees, limiting emissions, reducing the amount of water wasted, and producing less landfill waste.

Economy: Global responsibility for a sustainable economy extends to every single person, whether CEO or entry-level. While the media often portrays this as a company’s disregard for the environment, it can include other things such as sustainable tools, sustainable resource development and usage, and not exploiting profits and individuals.

Social: Social sustainability is the most difficult to define, as it is hard for the legal system to catch up. Globally, we are not all legally responsible for one another, but morally we are. This means helping to end social injustices and issues such as hunger, poverty, or even smaller-scale actions such as helping others with their mental health.

Sustainability And Your Clothing

Sustainability can be practiced within your clothing choices. It does not necessarily matter what you are wearing, it matters how it was created, and if it can be created or recreated again without placing undue pressure on the world’s resources. For example, you could wear eco yoga sustainable organic clothing that can also be used for running, exercising, and other dynamic movements. Not only would you be wearing clothing that is sustainable for all three above-mentioned pillars, but you can reuse it for purposes other than yoga and running.

Furthermore, there are also many programs where you can recycle old t shirts into new clothes. These sustainable recycled clothing programs help to take unwanted clothing that people may not want anymore and turn it into other clothing or textiles that can be used in manufacturing further products. With the rise of the ethical fashion industry, it is no longer called “hand-me-downs”, as clothing can be refashioned and repurposed into even the hottest styles, all while being sustainable.

Sustainability And Your Diet

Vegan diets are extremely sustainable for the environment, economy, and social responsibility. It takes far fewer resources to create and farm vegan food sources rather than their animal and animal by-product counterparts. Vegan sustainable farming may produce around 50% fewer greenhouse emissions, takes less energy, produces more output, and has a much smaller ecological footprint than meat-based diets. Vegetable and plant proteins and products are also usually more accessible, more cost-efficient for the consumer, and provide a larger amount of nutrients in the same or smaller amount as animal products.

Sustainability And Your Health

While your diet and your attention to the environment may produce a sustainable living for others, it is also extremely beneficial to your health. Sustainable living also means finding a work-life balance so that you are healthy and can get up every day with a sense of purpose to further work towards a better future. This is why proper dietexercisemeditation, and taking enough supplements can enrich your life and the lives of future generations.


Are sustainable products more expensive?

Not necessarily. Sustainable products are often used synonymously with organic, especially when considering food and other plant-based creations. Organic prices may often historically cost more, but this association isn’t true in current times. Sustainable products are products that are good for you, the environment, and so forth. This can even lead to cases where the products are less expensive or more cost-effective. For example, spinach and broccoli contain more protein per calorie than some meats, and they are much cheaper and easier to grow.

Can sustainable agriculture feed the world?

Yes. Contrary to popular belief, natural yields of crops can even outperform modified or chemically assisted crop yields. Also, converting pastures of animals to vegetarian and vegan options can feed more people and at a lower price.

Can sustainable development be achieved?

In theory, sustainable development can even be achieved tomorrow. Once all three pillars are in conjunction: responsible economic growth, protection and stimulation of resources and the environment, and elimination of social injustice, we have achieved true sustainability. In practice, this is difficult to do because of competing priorities, such as profits, disregard, selfishness, self-preservation, and exclusive mentalities.

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