6 Easy Raw Vegan Meals For Bodybuilding

If you’re into bodybuilding, here are the top six easy raw vegan meals you can eat to increase your muscle mass

And yes, you can still bulk up on a raw vegan diet! And, you will get great health benefits out of it as well.

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6 Easy Raw Vegan Meals To Increase Muscle Mass


Avocado Salad

You could make any type of salad raw, but here is a suggestion you can try. You will need lettuce, leafy greens, avocados, raw tomatoes, cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil, olives, and oranges.

Just toss everything together, and you get a great salad. If you want to add some protein to it, add some seeds, nuts, or legumes.

Raw Burritos

You can make raw burritos very easily if you replace the wraps with lettuce instead. Add some avocados, raw peppers, jalapeno peppers, raw red onion, and sprinkle some seeds on top. Finish it off with some lime.

Dishes don’t have to be complicated to have the right nutrients and to give you energy throughout the day.

Raw Salad Wraps

This follows the same idea as the raw burritos. Use lettuce instead of wraps and fill them with all the veggies and fruit you want.

You could eat that with a raw cashew, almond, or tahini dressing.



Green Juice

If you’re a bodybuilder, you know how important juices and shakes are. They are great to get your nutrients in, and you can even add raw vegan protein powder into them.

There are so many great juice recipes out there, but here’s how you make a classic raw green juice.

In your blender, add one cucumber, a couple of handfuls of spinach and kale, celery stalks, and parsley.

Blend everything together, and you get a super healthy green juice.


If you wanted to make it sweeter, you could add lemons, other vegetables such as carrots, and fruits like apples or pineapple pieces.

You can basically juice anything, and juicing will be great to detox your body.

Date Shake

If you want something sweeter, you could make a date shake to drink after a bodybuilding session. You could also add raw vegan protein powder to it.

You will need one cup of soaked almonds, water, and a handful of unpitted dates. Blend everything. You could add some cinnamon to it if you want to. It’s that easy.

You can make any other type of shake with plant-based milk alternatives, nut butters, and fruit.

Trail Mix

You can make your own trail mix with seeds and nuts to give you energy throughout your day. This is great to snack on, as it’s a great source of protein and healthy fats.

You can put whatever you want in a trail mix: raisins, dried figs, dates, dried mango, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts,… It’s a matter of personal preferences.


Other Foods You Can Eat On A Raw Vegan Bodybuilding Diet

Here are some foods you can eat on a raw vegan bodybuilding diet. You can then create so many recipes with these basic food groups:

Beans And Legumes

You can eat raw beans and legumes on a raw vegan diet. Legumes include chickpeas, lentils, and much more. You can add these to salads, raw wraps, soups, or raw bowls.

Just be careful not to eat them every day, as they can upset your digestive system when they’re not cooked. Also, there are some you should never consume raw, like soybeans and kidney beans.

Legumes and beans are a great source of protein, and you should eat them in moderation if you’re on a raw vegan bodybuilding diet.

Healthy Fats

In any diet, you will need a source of healthy fats. You can either use vegetable oils such as coconut oil or chia oil, eat nuts, or eat avocados.

This can help your body to regenerate quicker. Also, healthy fats are essential, especially if you’re on a raw vegan diet. These are easy to incorporate into any meal; sweet or savory.


You can also eat grains when you’re on a raw vegan diet. Just make sure that they are sprouted or germinated before you eat them raw.

Grains include buckwheat, quinoa, millet, kamut, spelt, wheat germ, and many more.


Vegetables are a very important part of a raw vegan diet. It’s great to eat raw veggies as they have so many more vitamins and nutrients than cooked veggies.

You can even make noodles out of some vegetables if you spiralize them. Carrots and zucchinis make great fake noodles. Or you could add the veggies to any dish or eat them as a snack.


Fruits are also really important on a raw vegan diet. They’re really versatile, taste very sweet and help with any sugar cravings, plus they’re a great snack too.

They’re a great source of vitamins and are packed full of nutrients.

Seeds And Nuts

Seeds and nuts are a great source of protein and serve as a great source of healthy fats on a raw vegan diet.

You can add them to any kind of dish, or eat them just like that, as a healthy and nutritious snack.


On any diet, you must stay hydrated. When you’re on a vegan raw diet, you can’t have tea, hot chocolate, or coffee, so water will be your best friend.

Make sure you drink at least eight cups a day.



As you can see, a raw vegan diet has great advantages and will allow your body to absorb more vitamins and nutrients than any other diet.

Hopefully, you got some recipe ideas for bodybuilding with the six easy raw vegan meals in this post. You can also create your own recipes, as it’s very simple to do when you’re on this diet. Raw vegan meals don’t have to be boring.

And the best part? You will have practically no washing up on a vegan diet. And, of course, you will have more energy and strength during your bodybuilding sessions.

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