What is The Difference Between SARMs and Steroids?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have been in the news lately, specifically as an alternative to steroid use. Although it has been researched for many years, it has made leaps and bounds in the media and the fitness community, as it is generally lauded as having all the effects of an anabolic steroid, with none of the side effects. We will test the validity of that statement in this article, but a word of note before we begin: SARMs are not natural supplements and although certain clinical studies have shown benefits, they have not yet been approved by the FDA.

In this article, we will define both SARMs and steroids – and see how they differ. We will go over their composition, how they work and what side effects they are usually associated with. Finally, we’ll show you where you can grab some of the best quality SARMs for approved research or lab purposes.

What Are SARMs?

SARMs are short for selective androgen receptor modulators. They are a therapeutic chemical compound that functions much like anabolic steroids. The difference between the two is that SARMs do not have as much of many androgenic-inducing properties, so they are generally being looked at as an alternative treatment for common issues that require increased muscle growth and body strength.

Certain degenerative and neurodegenerative disorders, such as cancer, AIDS, HIV, Liver disease, and heart failure are involved in clinical studies to see the effects of SARMs. To date, there aren’t any trials on humans, with the majority of the testing being done on rodents, primates, and other such animals. The only way to be approved for SARM use is to apply at USADA for an exemption for therapeutic use, generally for high-level athletes.


  • SARMs claim to increase muscle mass and definition by binding to androgenic receptors in the muscles and tissues, which promotes growth during and after a workout by using all available proteins.
  • SARMs claim to protect certain neurons by coating them in a protective film and reducing cell death. Further study into this would be for the benefit of certain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • SARMs claim to be a potential treatment for certain cancers (mainly breast cancer). Breast cancer is often caused by receptors that are sensitive to hormones, which SARMs directly bind to.

Side Effects

SARMs present a potentially “safer” way to use steroids medically, but further research needs to be done. As such, the side effects of SARMs would be similar to those of anabolic steroids, but potentially in fewer cases or to a lesser degree. For example, it has been observed that SARMs do not generally affect prostate size, which most anabolic steroids typically endanger after prolonged use. SARMs can still potentially cause:

  • Mood swings (particularly a less violent stage of “roid rage”.
  • Can interfere with testosterone, suppressing it slightly.
  • May increase the potential for heart attack and stroke.
  • May increase toxicity to the liver.

What Are Anabolic Steroids?

Steroids are lab-created chemicals that mimic hormones found within the body. When there is talk of steroids as used within the fitness community, they are specifically speaking about anabolic steroids, where we will review the benefits and side effects below. There are also corticosteroids, which are typically used as a remedy to fight inflammation. For example, the hormone cortisol, which is considered the “stress” hormone, can be used to fight skin conditions, respiratory issues, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Anabolic steroids are created to mimic the hormone testosterone, and thus have a profound androgenic quality in their user. These types of steroids are banned from sporting and recreational use, but some are approved for use in the treatment of low-testosterone conditions. This can include delayed puberty, muscular atrophy, cancer, or drastic loss of muscle mass.


  • Increased production and reparation of muscle tissue
  • Lower body fat percentage
  • Increased strength
  • Enhanced recovery
  • Better Endurance
  • The abundance of red blood cells

Side Effects

  • Cardiac arrest and other heart disease issues
  • Causes mood swings and “roid rage” or aggression as a result of increased testosterone.
  • Liver damage and increased body toxicity
  • Directly may suppress your natural testosterone production
  • Increases breast size or sensitivity of nipples
  • Infertility
  • Hair loss (hair gain for women or those with low testosterone)

Where can I buy RAD 140 SARMs (Testolone)?

Pure Rawz is the premier brand in selling SARMs and other cycles, which also includes natural supplements, such as nootropicscannabis-based products, and peptides. Like most SARMs, it has not yet been approved for human consumption, and the direct compound cannot be ingested as is. It is also banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) from professional, amateur, and Olympic sports as it gives an unfair advantage to competitors, with possible side effects. The Pure Rawz page on testolone is full of information but is only available for sale if the use is for lab testing or other approved research purposes.

Testolone itself is a SARM but was created specifically for dealing with osteoporosis, which is a degenerative disorder that affects bone density and muscular atrophy, commonly found in older women or during pregnancy.


PureRawz RAD 140

Our #1 Recommendation

  • RAD 140, also known as Testolone, is a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). Like other SARMs, it binds to specific androgen receptors and doesn’t cause the full spectrum of androgenic effects as similar substances like anabolic steroids, DHT, or testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Testolone hasn’t been around for long. This research compound was developed in 2010 as a potential treatment for osteoporosis. At the time of writing, it is being investigated as a research compound for its potential ability to enhance muscle hypertrophy and promote muscular gains.
  • Research has shown that the stability of RAD 140 is high in incubations with rats, monkeys, and human microsomes. The research compound has also demonstrated good bioavailability in rats and monkeys as well as excellent affinity for the androgen receptor in the skeletal tissue. [R]
  • Recent studies investigated the effects of RAD 140 on levator ani muscle weight and prostate weight in castrated rats, which are sensitive markers of anabolic-androgenic action in young nonhuman primates. The final results showed that RAD 140 stimulates the levator ani muscle.
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SARMs are legal to purchase for approved research and lab testing results only. The US Anti-Doping Agency can review cases to approve clinical trials or exemptions. To date, doctors are not allowed to prescribe SARMs for any reason as they have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Certain anabolic steroids are approved for select medical cases, and doctors can prescribe anabolic steroids if the condition calls for it. For example, extremely delayed puberty in boys, muscle degeneration from advanced cancer and HIV, and extreme atrophy from a long-time comatose patient struggling with physiotherapy.

What are the main differences between SARMs and Steroids?

SARMs are not steroidal, meaning they aim to have a limited, or no, effect on testosterone levels or developing androgenic qualities in the host. They simply bind to receptors and accelerate muscle and tissue growth by using all available proteins.

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