Turkesterone vs. Ecdysterone: What’s The Difference?

Turkesterone and ecdysterone are two compounds that are often confused with one another. However, they are quite different. Let’s take a closer look at the key differences between turkesterone vs. ecdysterone.

Turkesterone vs Ecdysterone

By constantly experimenting with Plant-Based ingredients, the supplement industry is finding new & useful compounds that can potentially create enhanced muscle building benefits, read on to understand how these new players stack up.

Many of these ingredients, such as Tribulus Terrestris and D-Aspartic Acid, have been used in pre-workout supplements for a long time so it should come a s no surprise that there will be new & often times useful Plant-Based compounds that can be extremely beneficial.

Turkesterone is a new ingredient that some people & scientists are stating, has the same power as anabolic steroids. To understand what this means we need to take a deeper dive into what these compounds are & how they affect our ability to build muscle, recover & have copious amounts of energy.

Is it all that it’s hyped up to be?

Ecdysterone And Turkesterone

Many recent articles have discussed the benefits of Ecdysterone vs Turkesterone. This is a well-known fact. If you don’t hear much about Ecdysterone and Turkesterone, let’s talk about them now. They can help you gain muscle in a way you never thought possible.

Turkesterone: What Is It?

This plant’s anabolic, adaptogenic, hepatoprotective, and hypoglycemic properties have made it a popular traditional medicine ingredient.

Throughout history, people in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have looked forward to the plant’s ability to build muscle and ease stomach pain. It also helps prevent heart disease.

Turkesterone is an anabolic compound found in plants, arthropods, and fungi. Turkesterone is an ecdysterone. It controls molting and metamorphosis in insects, and it may also play a role in the reproduction of these insects.

Turkesterone Supplement is a synthetic form of ecdysone.

In AML, the compound 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysterone) is the same as the one found in Ecdysterone, which is the same as Ecdysterone. Turkesterone and ecdysterone are very different.

Two of the main steroids found in Ajuga turkestanica are Turkesterone and ecdysterone, which make up 0.2–0.4% of the dry weight of the aerial parts.


Ecdysteroids are steroid hormones that are found in insects, some aquatic animals, and plants. They play a big role in a lot of things that happen in insects’ lives.

Even though ecdysteroids have a lot in common with testosterone, there is no evidence that they work the same way in humans.

People use ecdysteroids for a variety of reasons, including athletic performance, diabetes, and a lot of other things, but there isn’t enough scientific evidence to back up these claims.

Ecdysterone for More Muscle & Strength

Ecdysterone (20-hydroxyecdysone) is a plant steroid. It is an ecdysteroid compound found in plants.

Previous human studies found that taking ecdysterone (12 mg/day for ten weeks) increased muscle and strength growth compared to taking a placebo.

How Does Ecdysterone Work?

Ecdysterone promotes lean mass gain by activating the estrogen receptor beta (ER).

This is important because ER signaling affects skeletal muscle growth and regeneration through satellite cell activation, stimulation of anabolic pathways, and changes in the immune system’s ability to work.

Ecdysterone has been linked to increased muscle protein synthesis via direct or indirect stimulation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.

It is important because it doesn’t interact with the androgen receptor, so it doesn’t cause suppression or any of the other problems that come with taking AAS.

Ecdysterone supplementation did not raise biomarkers that show liver or kidney toxicity in healthy people. This shows that ecdysterone is both effective and safe.

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Turkesterone vs Ecdysterone: The Bottom Line

As with any supplement there are pros & cons to each and the results vary based off of each persons unique body chemistry. Erik our resident Lab-rat was more than eager to experiment with the top 3 rated Ecdysterone products. He tried each one (with the recommended dose) for an entire cycle or bottle whichever came first…to quote Erik “This $hit really works”!

Since Erik’s initial thumbs-up response we have had all our trainers (men & women ) test the top three supplements using the same method and not changing their diet or their training. Without going into the study which will come out in depth in our Newsletter the verdict was 7 yay’s and 3 nays. The supplement we found best for effectiveness, safety and quality Vegan ingredients was Nutriissa Ecdysterone you can purchase it here.

Ecdysterone is both effective and safe when taken orally with resistance training in healthy people who aren’t already getting enough of it.

Similarities Of Turkesterone And Ecdysterone

They are Both Ecdysteroids

Ecdysteroids are steroid hormones that help animals molt and grow. They play a role in this process. People and plants like spinach and quinoa have ecdysteroids in them.

They are Both Not Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

Turkesterone and ecdysterone are not anabolic-androgenic steroids, which means they don’t bind to androgen receptors, which means they don’t have side effects like liver toxicity.

Both Have Good Things About Them

These two hormones help people gain muscle and produce more protein.

The anabolic properties of both steroids must be studied further to determine which is superior. Not everyone agrees, and reactions to either compound may vary.

Turkesterone Is A Kind Of Ecdysterone

20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysterone) is the source of turkesterone. It is a type of ecdysterone. They look very similar because they both have the same chemical structure.

Turkesterone: How can I buy it?

We have done exhaustive testing on Turkesterone, see our full write up here if you want to read the full story. After taking a bottle of Turkesterone the entire staff said “This stuff works”, of course there were a couple of testers that had little to no effect whatsoever. With new supplements that are plant based, the exact science can still be a bit sketchy until more broad scientific studies can be conducted.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, turkesterone may have some beneficial effects on muscle growth and protein synthesis, but further research is necessary to confirm this. Ecdysterone has been studied in humans and shown to be effective and safe when taken orally. For these reasons, we recommend using a product that supplies 500mg of beta-ecdysterone per capsule as well as one that has the best manufacturing process on the market and that supplement is Gorilla Mind Turkesterone which you can purchase here.


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