How Much Muscle Can You Grow After 6 Months of Lifting?

Gaining lean muscle mass is a fitness goal for many people. When most people start to exercise, they may be frustrated by not being able to see immediate results. However, those that stick with it will often find that they will make noticeable improvements in 6 months or less if they are dedicated. When looking for a realistic 6 month body transformation female and male exercise enthusiasts will experience improvements and gains based on various factors. In this article, the following tips will be covered:

Many fitness professionals believe in following max workout exercises. With these exercises, you will use a slightly heavier weight that may only allow you to complete 8 to 10 reps. However, with at least the last set of each exercise, you will want to lift until you have reached exhaustion. This will ensure your muscles are working as hard as possible and can ensure they are able to get the most out of your workout

Eat Right and Enough

As you are looking to gain lean muscle mass and get in shape, you may feel tempted to try to reduce your caloric intake. However, unless you are eating enough calories, it will be impossible to gain muscle mass. You should focus on eating the right amount of calories based on your weight, age, fitness goals, and other factors. A great way to ensure you do eat right is to meal prep in advance. For vegetarians, there are different vegetarian meal prep recipes you can follow that will ensure you have a great meal ready at all times. This can help you avoid snacking and falling off your plan. 

Workout Hard

If you want to achieve certain fitness goals, it is important that you workout hard. Any fitness goal that you have will require you to put in effort to reach it. Many fitness professionals believe in following max workout exercises. With these exercises, you will use a slightly heavier weight that may only allow you to complete 8 to 10 reps. However, with at least the last set of each exercise, you will want to lift until you have reached exhaustion. This will ensure your muscles are working as hard as possible and can ensure they are able to get the most out of your workout

Have a Plan and Routine

Whether you are going to work out at home or go to a local gym, it is always important that you have a plan when you go to the gym. When trying to achieve your goals in 6 months, using a plan that has proven successful can be a great option. For example, the Rob Mcelhenney workout routine was used by him to put on an impressive amount of lean muscle in a short period of time. This is widely available online and focuses on working out all of your core muscle groups, which can help to maximize your results. 

Track Progress

Generally, when you start to work out, it will take a couple of weeks before you notice it and even a couple of months before it is noticeable to others. As the changes can always seem small individually, tracking them to see your progress is a good idea. You should write down each day your weight at the start of the day, what you ate, what workout you completed, and how much weight was lifted. When you are exercising, you will then start to see progress written on paper that will keep you encouraged and motivated. 

Find a Partner

While your fitness goals are going to be individual, it never hurts to have someone by your side that can help you reach your target as well. You should look for a friend or someone at your local gym that has similar goals for a 6-month transition. When you have a reliable workout partner, it is someone that you can work with to stay motivated, share ideas, and ultimately reach your transformation goals. 

Get Plenty of Rest

While you will want to spend time in the gym and be active, getting enough rest is also very important. The right amount of sleep at night, which is typically 7 to 8 hours, will ensure you are energized and help your muscles grow. Further, you will want to space your workouts to ensure you give each muscle group at least a few days to recover after a workout. Not having enough rest could slow your progress during the six-month transformation. 


What Do I Need to Get Started?

If you want to reach a realistic transformation for your body in 6 months of less, you will want to have access to some weights or other forms of resistance equipment. While cardio is part of the process to stay lean, weight resistance exercises are necessary to build lean muscle mass. You can invest in weights for your home or get a local gym membership. 

What Should My Goals Be?

No two people are going to have the same fitness goals. Your goals should be based on your personal situation and what you want to attain. It is important that you are realistic and are prepared for the ups and downs that can come with it. If you have any recent injuries or health risks, you should discuss them with your doctor first. 

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