Vega Sport PreWorkout Energizer Review
Our Honest Thoughts

Consuming pre-workouts without giving them a thorough check is what you might call a smart move. In fact, it can be a potentially debilitating thing to do.

Vega Sport PreWorkout Energizer is one such plant-based pre-workout that promises to increase energy, endurance, and mental focus. On paper, it gives you that edge you need to slay that workout.

In this Vega Sport review, we will examine whether this vegan-friendly pre-workout really does the deed. That means looking at the product’s formula, its potential side effects, and, of course, user reviews.

Table of Contents

What Is Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer?

The Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer is essentially designed to get you in the zone. Think of it as a potion of both health and mana – it provides you with the energy and focus you need to push through those long and intense workouts. Or dungeons.Vega-Sport Preworkout Landscape

The label says the powder is made from plant-based ingredients only, with no added artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. Put another way, the product is gluten-free, sugar-free, and is informed-choice certified.

But most importantly, it’s plant-based, so us vegans can have at it as well.

Ingredient List

Preworkout ingredients

Let’s take a peek at the plant-based ingredients found in the Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer:

  • Coconut Oil Powder (1,000 mg) – Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that can be used as a quick source of energy [1].
  • Yerba Mate (167 mg) – A source of caffeine that can increase your energy levels and improve your mental focus [2].
  • Devil’s Claw (150 mg) – Despite the edgy name, this particular rooty ingredient may help to reduce inflammation [3].
  • Green Tea (100 mg) – Green tea is a natural source of caffeine, which can improve energy levels. It also contains L-theanine, which can boost brain function [4].
  • Rhodiola (100 mg) – An adaptogenic nootropic that may improve cognitive function, while aiding in the regulation of stress typically caused by fatigue and exhaustion [5].
  • Ginseng (100 mg) – Has been shown to fight fatigue and promote energy [6].
  • Sodium (57.5 mg) – This is otherwise known as salt, which will likely be lost through sweat during an intense workout session.
  • Turmeric (53 mg) – Can help to fight inflammation at a molecular level [7].
  • Potassium (50 mg) – Low levels of potassium can lead to a reduction in energy levels and endurance [8].
  • Ginger (10 mg) – It is believed that ginger can increase the bioavailability of the other ingredients [9].

It also has 14-15 grams of premium carbohydrate fuel that comes from the brown rice and organic palm nectar to give you the fuel to get through those challenging workouts.


  • All-natural ingredients
  • Plant-based, vegan certified
  • Gluten-free, sugar-free


  • Complaints of side effects
  • Very few flavors available
  • Lots of poor customer reviews

Potential Side Effects

Plant-based or not, the problem with pre-workouts, in general, is that they often contain caffeine. Caffiene may increase the risk of experiencing side effects typically associated with bodybuilding supplements.

Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer is not exempt, and here’s why:side effects

  • Caffeine can increase alertness by triggering the release of adrenaline. The problem is that in high doses this can cause nervousness, jitteriness, and other similar symptoms [10].
  • People often use caffeine to help them to stay awake. That can be a pain in the neck, though, as it can easily rob you of your much-needed sleep [11].
  • Caffeine also has a laxative effect due to the release of gastrin [12].
  • Due to the stimulation of your nervous system, it can also raise your blood pressure [13]. Regular high blood pressure may cause your arteries to narrow over time, increasing the risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
  • There is a surprising twist: caffeine can also lead to fatigue. While it is often used to increase energy, when the caffeine leaves your system you may feel more tired the following day [14].
  • Finally, caffeine may lead to more frequent urination and potentially incontinence [15].

If you are concerned about any of these potential pre workout side effects then you may want to speak to your doctor.

Where To Buy Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer

Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer is available to buy from a variety of online health food and supplement stores. It also has its own official website that has a 30 servings tub available for half a Benjamin.Vega Sport Preworkout Energizer

One of the best places to buy this vegan-friendly supplement is from certified e-commerce sites. Pre-workouts in general come at a much lower cost and it’s also possible to save 5% off the RRP by using the “subscribe and save” option.

This subscription service will ensure a new package will be sent out to you whenever you want, whether that is every 2 weeks or every 6 months. It won’t cost you anything to sign up for this subscription and it can be canceled at any time.

User Reviews


While there are some positive user reviews for this sugar-free supplement (currently almost 60% reviews have 5 stars)…

“This supplement really helps me get up at 5 AM and hit the gym. I usually feel more energized even after my training session. It doesn’t give you that feeling of artificial high, and I barely experience jitteriness. Of all the preworkouts, I never crossed my mind that Vega Sport Preworkout energizer will be my weapon of choice, but here I am – writing this review.”


– Deelynn

“I love the acai berry taste! I like to mix mine with lemon, lime, stuff like that. I get no jitters and it’s pretty damn effective! I’d recommend users to shake (or blend) the mixture, not to stir it. Definitely has my recommendation for anyone who needs that surge of energy and cares about what they ingest!”


– Savannah

This plant-based energizer pre-workout doesn’t fall short on complaints either…

“I have been using Vega Sport Pre-workout Energizer for a while now and didn’t notice the surreal amount of caffeine on the label. Might as well just go and drink a cup of coffee or green tea or something. It’s off my list for good.”


– Daniel J. Fox

“It didn’t feel like it tasted bad and I definitely noticed the kick of energy before hitting the gym. However, it made me very sick. First time – headache, second time – shakiness, third time – nausea. If you are sensitive to caffeine, then it should be a no-go. Perhaps try a sample before buying the whole container. I know I won’t buy it, though, at least not anymore.”


– Nicole L.


What Is The Recommended Dosage?

The recommended dosage of Vega Sport Pre Workout Energizer is one scoop (18 grams) mixed with 1 cup (8 fl. oz.) of ice-cold water.

When trying pre-workouts and other related products for the first time, it is often smart to use less than the recommended dosage – even less than one scoop per serving. This is to ensure you mitigate the chances of experiencing side effects and enable yourself to build up a certain degree of tolerance to its potent ingredients.

After all, it all boils down to how you feel. If you feel like Donkey Kong, maybe it’s better to turn it down a notch.

When Should I Take Pre Workout Vega?

It is recommended that you take Vega Sport Pre-workout Energizer approximately 20-30 minutes prior to working out to ensure you experience its benefits.

How Much Caffeine Is In Pre-Workout Vega?

Pre-Workout Vega contains 100 mg of caffeine according to its label. This caffeine content comes from the ingredients, such as yerba mate and green tea.

Should You Buy Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer?

While Vega Sport Pre-workout Energizer isn’t the worst pre-workout available, it certainly isn’t on par with the best vegan brands either.

The upside? Well, its use of natural plant-based ingredients is a major bonus – the fact that it is vegan certified may appeal to vegans new in bodybuilding. But the downside is that there is a serious risk of encountering side effects due to the high caffeine content in the formula of this pre-workout energizer.

In fact, this often tends to be a major problem with many pre-workouts. That’s why a product like 4Gauge could be a much better option.

It has zero caffeine, ensuring that there the risk of encountering any potential problems is greatly mitigated. The price tag is nice, too, so you might get more bang for your buck, especially if you order in bulk.

Got a review to share about vegan pre-workouts? Tell us your story in the comments below.

Best For
#1 Rate Best Overall Pre Workout Formula

4 GAUGE Pre Workout

  • SUSTAINED POWER + NO JITTERS: 4 GAUGE uses groundbreaking research out of Michigan and the UK, showing that caffeine and the amino acid, l-theanine, should be kept together just like they’re found in nature. 4 GAUGE uses this advantage to give you extended power without the harmful side effects of high dose caffeine. Made by 4 Gauge Fitness.
  • ALL NATURAL SWEETENER: No SUCRALOSE. We hear you loud and clear: sucralose is very questionable at best, and potentially disastrous at its most serious. 4 GAUGE uses all natural STEVIA, right from the plant, to sweeten our pre workout.
  • NO CREEPY CRAWLY FEELING: Some pre workouts come with that feeling like ants are crawling all over your skin. That comes from an ingredient called beta alanine, and its benefits are very questionable. 4 GAUGE doesn’t mess with you. No itchiness here. Just pure, all natural power and focus.
  • TOP NOTCH MUSCLE PUMPS: If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s called vasodilation and it’s incredibly important for muscle strength and recovery. When working out, your muscles begin to break down and increased blood flow to those muscles causes regeneration. 4 GAUGE pre workout uses the best, all natural vasodilation ingredient ever, L-Citrulline. And 4 GAUGE has a whopping 6000 mg of it in every serving.
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