Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder Review
Legit or Scam?

A healthy diet is a serious business, so it’s no wonder that all major nutrition companies are on a mission to develop the most innovative and effective nutrition supplement.

Some of them have gone so far as to develop personalized protein powders that will fit you like a glove.

One such company is the U.S-based Herbalife – a company that seems to be more (in)famous for their aggressive marketing strategies rather than their protein powder.

So, we decided to review their Personalized Protein Powder to see if their products are any good. This review will hopefully debunk some myths, but it’s up to you to decide whether you should give this product a chance.

Table of Contents

What is Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder?

Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder?

Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder is a dietary supplement that’s mainly marketed to people who are on a weight-loss diet and those who are into a healthy and active lifestyle.

According to the manufacturer, this Personalized Protein Powder ‘’supports your weight management and fitness goals.” It also promises excellent results in fat-burning, suppressing appetite, and building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

It advertises as an energy booster that helps curb hunger while providing you with all those super-healthy nutrients to add to your diet.

But what caught our attention was the word ‘’personalized,” which makes you think that it’s a customized protein, but sadly, that’s not the case with this product. There is nothing unique or personal about this mass-produced Herbalife protein powder.

How Does it Work?

Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder contains whey and soy protein blend that can be added to all kinds of shakes, smoothies, or yogurt to keep you away from snacking and overeating.

This fat-free protein powder blend also contains nine essential amino acids that are crucial for muscle repair and muscle development, which makes it a possible pre-or post-workout drink option as your daily energy kick.

The manufacturer suggests mixing it with other Herbalife products, such as Formula 1 shake, to customize your diet plan and achieve the best weight-loss results.

While some people praise it as a meal replacement, others are not so thrilled with the product’s hunger-curbing effects.


Personalized Protein Powder Nutrition Facts

When choosing a dietary supplement, the best way to determine whether it fits your needs is to take a close look at its ingredients. So, let’s go over the nutrition facts of Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder.

One serving (one 6g tablespoon) contains:

  • Protein 5 g – a protein formula of soy protein isolate and whey protein concentrate
  • 20 calories
  • Sodium 50 g
  • Potassium 25 g
  • nine essential amino acids
  • Fat 0 g
  • Sugar 0 g
  • Cholesterol 0 g
  • Natural flavors

Whey protein intake promotes muscle growth since this protein plays a key role in muscle protein synthesis [1].

However, Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder contains whey protein concentrate, which is actually higher in fat and carbs and lower in protein than whey protein isolate [2].

Soy protein isolate is not so rich in branched amino acids as whey, but when combined with dairy protein, it’s more effective in muscle protein synthesis than whey or casein alone [3].

All of that sounds good, but 5 g of protein per serving is seriously low compared to similar products. We also couldn’t help but notice the absence of dietary fiber from the formulation.

Also, considering the low protein content per serving, combining this powder with other Herbalife formulations would make it more efficient.

Although we haven’t had a chance to try other products from this brand, many reviews mention that this product works best when combined with other Herbalife supplements, such as their protein shakes.

In which case, your daily protein extravaganza would come with a hefty price tag.


How to Take it?


One tablespoon equals 5 g of protein, and the recommended daily dosage is 1 to 4 tablespoons per day; in other words, 10 g of protein for women and 15 g for men.

Since it’s a dairy-based product, you can mix it with any kind of milk or your favorite smoothie in a shaker or blender. You can gulp it down as your breakfast replacement protein shake, or you can add it to your bowl of cereal.

Unlike other protein powders, this one has a rather bland taste, so it’s not overpowering in any type of beverage or food. Thanks to its unsweetened formula, you can add it to savory dishes, like soups and sauces.

If you need some inspiration, check out the Herbalife website for more recipe ideas.


Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder Side Effects

Although short-term use doesn’t seem to cause any serious side effects, some users reported stomach problems, such as bloating, constipation, and nausea.

Since it’s a dairy and soy-based blend, it might not be such a great product for those prone to allergies.

Also, more than one Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder review mentions that this product caused ‘’body weight gain,” instead of the opposite.

“While quick-fix diets like the Herbalife program can help people lose weight in the short term, they can be expensive and may not be sustainable.”

– Erica Julson Writer, Healthline.com

Still on the fence about this product? Let’s sum up its benefits and downsides.



  • Low in calories
  • Easy to use
  • Taste is not bad


  • Low protein content
  • Pricey compared to similar products
  • Some side-effects may occur
  • Non-vegan

Customer Reviews

It was a challenge to come across an unbiased This Herbalife Protein Powder review because many Herbalife reviews appear to be written by their distributors.

Those who gave it five stars say that Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder helped them lose weight and reach their fitness goals. One such review claims:

“If you do Herbalife properly, with a qualified distributor who is there to support and coach you with regular contact and access to additional supporting tools (eg 21 day challenge, bootcamps, wellbeing profiles and support plans etc etc) you will have a fabulous experience!”

People who gave it a low score complain about overpriced basic ingredients of the powder, low amount of protein, its inefficiency in appetite suppression, and some side effects:

“A bit pricey and definitely can cause constipation from it’s dairy elements. Make sure to consume lots of fiber if you do take this stuff.”


What’s the Price and Where to Buy it?

purchasing online

Although Herbalife claims that it only sells through its direct distributors, you can find many of their products on Amazon and other online stores.

If you live in the U.S, you can also find some of their products at your local Walmart.

Getting in touch with Herbalife customer service on their official website is your best bet considering some negative experiences that were reported by people who ordered from other online stores.

Of course, you’ll be required to create an account so that you can access a registered Herbalife distributor.


Is Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder Worth It?

Well, if you don’t really care about the amount of protein in your protein powder blend and if your daily requirements are on the low side, you may appreciate this product.

The effectiveness of this protein powder on its own is not so apparent, but it could work for you depending on your daily activity level, diet, body type, and your health goals.

However, there are other high-quality nutrition supplements out there with more grams of protein per serving that will cost you far less. What’s more, some protein supplement brands will customize your protein so that it’s actually personalized.

Considering there are various protein blends available on the market, it’s time for Herbalife to up its game to keep up with the competition.

For those who prefer vegan over whey protein and are into stronger stuff, check out this high-quality protein blend: Transparent Lab’s Organic Vegan Protein powder.

Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder would probably be worth the price with some formulation modifications (and changes in the marketing strategy).

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